An Online Resource Guide for Teachers, Students and Parents by Magda Martinez
New Links
Teacher Resources, Strategies, Links and More...
I have noticed that many teachers that I am mentoring are not familiar with Google Drive. Please hover and click to learn more, download and start to share. I can share my stuff with you. Send me your email for an invite. Create your own group and share with your team of teachers. The key is COLLABORATION!!!!
Interactive graphics organizers: use with smart board
Teaching Strategies (All Content Areas)
Basic Active Learning Strategies
iPad Apps -- SO COOL!!! Interactive and Engaging
iPad Apps for Classroom Management :-)
Region 4 Resources
Great for Math and Science (Khan Academy) Flip your classroom!
Create and Share Great Graphic Organizers! (I pay $6.00 a month and love it! Students need visuals and quick "snapshots" of a unit or concept.